Authors / Hajo Antpöhler, Heike Kati Barath,
Sarah Maria Kaiser, Mona Schieren, Eva Schmidt,
Lára Magnúsardóttir, Katrin von Maltzahn,
Yukinori Yamamura
Copyediting / Lui Kohlmann
Proofreading / Katharina Groth, Kornelia Hoffmann
Translation / Anne Fellner, Petra Klusmeyer
Design / Johannes Ellmer, Hellllo - Büro für Gestaltung
Print run / 500
Print / Druckhaus Köthen, Köthen
FORMAT 130 cm x 215 cm x 3 cm, 512 pages
Softcover, thread stitching, digital printing
ISBN 978-3-948628-08-6
nomen nominandum buch, Bremen [ ]
30,00 EUR [DE] / 30,90 Euro [AT]
plus shipping costs
Marion Bösen's artistic approach is characterized by everyday observations, a keen sense for strange situations, a great love of experimentation, a laconic sense of humour and absolute fearlessness. The publication An der Zeit/About Time documents the artist's most important works from the years 1990 to 2023, primarily screen prints and artist's books. This comprehensive publication sets itself the challenge of presenting these in a book.
The challenge of organising Marion Bösen's diverse oeuvre and finding a visually appealing and appropriate implementation was taken up by people close to the artist. Their intensive collaboration with Marion Bösen has resulted in a book that offers more than just an insight into her artistic work. An der Zeit/About Time encourages readers to reflect and think about her artistic endeavours over the past 30 years.